
The People - The place
The land at La Pierre is a strong part of our family history. We are the 3rd and 4th generations to live and build here.The project began in 1974 by Ellas' grandparents of English and Danish origin.
Since then, the land has expanded and evolved and continues to be a much loved sanctuary for our family, friends and visitors.
Home to green oaks, olives, junipers, laurels, lavender, thyme, rosemary and many other medicinal plants.
We use permaculture and agroforestry techniques to nurture native species and work towards a more sustainable, self-sufficient existence.
Ella is a chef with trainings in yoga and beekeeping.
Ed is a landscape gardener and English teacher recently turned
Wim Hof instructor.
"The best time to plant trees was 10 years ago, the other best time is today"

"Adopt the pace of nature,
her secret is patience"
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Huge thanks to everyone who has helped us over the years to make this a special place.
We could not do this without you!
We welcome volunteers to the land from March 1st.
To learn more please visit www.wwoof.fr
We look forward to welcoming you....